6 Unique and Innovative Advertising Methods For Reaching Audiences

A successful advertising campaign can be difficult to execute, especially in today’s attention economy wherein attention has become an economic value. Particularly, grabbing and holding the attention of consumers has become a challenge as there are a wide number of ads attempting to do this all at once.

So, you might be wondering, “How can I effectively reach audiences?” – one way is to capture their attention with unique and innovative ads that stand out from the crowd. 


Well, here are 6 methods that you can use to successfully grab audience attention and potentially increase conversions:

  1. Public transport
Advertising Methods For Reaching Audiences 2

Have you ever walked around the city center and seen double-decker buses or taxis covered in an ad? You probably have, especially if you live in the UK! Brands are now turning to public transport to advertise themselves, and we don’t mean a simple ad inside the bus. Instead, the ad covers the vehicle itself! Not only can this raise eyebrows – “Why is that bus pink?”, but it captures pedestrians’ attention all across the route that the bus or taxi takes.

  1. Billboards

As a traditional form of advertising, billboards have withstood the test of time and are still a popular advertising medium today. Advancements in technology have seen the introduction of digital billboards in city centers as well, truly making them an innovative way to advertise products and brands. This meant that videos could be played on billboards, making them dynamic and more visually appealing – sometimes static billboards aren’t as captivating as moving pictures!

advertising methods
Advertising Methods For Reaching Audiences
  1. Guerilla marketing

Advertising through guerilla marketing is a cost-effective way to create unique and special experiences between brands and their audiences. Your team’s creativity can be unleashed through guerilla marketing where (almost) anything is possible! Instead of feeling like an ad, guerilla marketing caters to audiences’ emotions and reactions. Examples of guerilla marketing could include flash mobs, social experiments, outdoor and indoor artwork, and more.

  1. Augmented reality

Augmented reality (AR) utilizes cutting-edge technology to deliver extraordinary ads. This could be in the form of mobile phone filters on platforms like Snapchat, or simply an out-of-home (OOH) advertising method that uses AR to create immersive experiences. The range of AR applications is vast, so the possibilities are endless for innovative AR advertising campaigns.

  1. Social media

Social media is a powerful tool in advertising, especially on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. In fact, 87% of consumers cited that they followed a brand, visited their website or profile, or made a purchase after seeing product information on Instagram, showing how advertising on Instagram can improve engagement and conversion rates. So, if you’re looking for a platform to advertise your brand and products, Instagram is certainly one to use. 

  1. Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is a great way to reach niche audiences, but only if you use appropriate influencers for the job. For example, if the influencer’s own values and content align with your brand’s values and products, then it would be a good idea to partner with them instead of an influencer who doesn’t match your brand at all.